Monday 8 March 2021

Twelve Important Tricky Reasonining Problems for SSC CGL ,SSC CHSL And RRB NTPC Exams

12 Most important problems of  tricky reasoning problems which includes box problems , triangles problems and star problems for competitive exams like SSC CGL ,SSC CHSL and RRB NTPC etc have been included in this post. 

12 Important Tricky Reasoning Problems for Reasoning Various Exams

 Problem # 1

Tricky Figure Problems for SSC CGL ,SSC CHSL And RRB NTPC Exams
Adding all the numbers which are forming triangle in corner like this

Top Right corner

10 + 13 + 9 = 32 Top Right corner

Top Left corner

15 + 10 + 7 = 32  Top left  corner

Bottom Left corner

 7 +  17 +  8 = 32  Bottom left  corner

Bottom Right corner

Similarly 8 + 9 + ? = 32 means Question mark "?"  will take the value 15. So
Option (1) is correct Option.

Problem # 2

Tricky Figure Problems for SSC CGL ,SSC CHSL And RRB NTPC Exams
Add all the numbers from corner which are forming rhombus and square respectively , because sum of all the numbers in both rhombus and square in corner position are equal to 34.


7 + 10 + 9 + 8 = 34


15 + 5 + ? + 6 = 34 . 
26 + ? = 34
? = 34 - 26
? = 8
This means question mark ? will have  8 value. 
So Option (2) is correct Option.  

Problem # 3

Tricky Figure Problems for SSC CGL ,SSC CHSL And RRB NTPC Exams
Add all the three numbers in every small square then divide this sum with the fourth number in same square to get result every time 10.

Top Left Square 

 ( 9 + 4  + 7 )/2 = 20 /2 = 10

Top Right Square

 ( 9 + 13  + 8 )/3 = 30 /3 = 10

Bottom Left Square

( 9 + 16 + 15 )/4 = 40/4 = 10
Similarly in 

Bottom Right Square

 (6 + ? +3 )/1 = 10/1 = 10. If we take the value of question mark "?"  equal to 1 then we shall get total equal to 10 ,
Hence  Option (1) is correct Option. 

Problem # 4

Tricky Figure Problems for SSC CGL ,SSC CHSL And RRB NTPC Exams
In all the picture add both the numbers in 1st row and then umbers in 2nd row and left number in last row, then take the difference of these sum to get the number in right side of 3rd row.

In 1st row 9 + 8 = 17,  4 + 9 = 13  then 17 - 13 = 4 
In 2nd row  11 + 5 = 16 , 10 + 3 = 13 then 16 - 13 = 3 , Similarly
in 3rd row  7 + 16 = 23  , 6 + 12 = 18 then 23 - 18 = 5 .
Hence option (1) is correct option.

 Problem # 5

Tricky Figure Problems for SSC CGL ,SSC CHSL And RRB NTPC Exams
There are five squares in this picture. To solve this problem or to find the value of question mark , sum of all the numbers in each square when divided by the number in the corner must be equal to 6 in each four figure. In  the 

Top Left square

    (  3 + 2 +  7 ) /2  =  12/2 = 6

Top Right square

   (  9 + 5 +  4) /3  =  20/3 = 6

Bottom Left square

    (  9 + 7 +  8 )/4  =  24/4 = 6

Bottom Right square

    (  3  + ? +  1 )/1  = (4 + ?)/1= 6.
4 + ? = 6
? = 6 - 4
? = 2
This means if we put ? = 2, Only then we shall 6 as answer.
Hence option (3) is correct option. 

Problem # 6


Tricky Figure Problems for SSC CGL ,SSC CHSL And RRB NTPC Exams
To solve this problem divide each number in the second row with 6 , then subtract one from the answer so obtained to get the number in 1st row.
(78/6) -1 => 13 - 1 = 12 ( The  1st number in the 1st row)
(60/6 ) -1 => 10 - 1 = 9 ( The 2nd number in the 1st row)
(24/6) -1 =>  4 - 1 =  3 ( The 3rd number in the 1st row)
( ?/6 - 1 ) -1  = >10 ( The 4th number in the 1st row). that is if we put ? = 66 then upon dividing 66 with 6 we shall get 11, And after subtracting 11 from 1 , we shall get the answer.

Hence option (C) is correct option. 

Problem # 7


Tricky Figure Problems for SSC CGL ,SSC CHSL And RRB NTPC Exams
Take the square root of  difference of  21 and 12 to get middle number 3. Similarly take the square root of  difference of  15  and 6 to get middle number 3 in 1st picture.
Similarly take the square root of  difference of  29 and 4 to get middle number 5. Similarly take the square root of  difference of  36  and ? to get middle number 5 in 2nd picture.

In 1st picture

√(21 - 12 ) = √9 = 3 
√(15 - 6 ) = √9 = 3 

In 2nd picture

√(29 - 4 ) = √25 = 5 
√(36 - ? ) = √25 = 5 , If we put ? = 11 then we can solve this problem.
Hence option (4) is correct option. 

  Problem # 8

Tricky Figure Problems for SSC CGL ,SSC CHSL And RRB NTPC Exams

1st Picture

  (10)² - 16  = 100 - 16 = 84 in the same way
 (12)² - 60 = 144 - 60 = 84

2nd Picture

(9)² - 13  = 81 - 13 = 68 in the same way 
(?)² - 53  = 68
(?)² = 68 - 53
(?)² = 121
? = 11
so ? will take the value 11
Hence option (1) is correct option.

            Problem # 9

Tricky Figure Problems for SSC CGL ,SSC CHSL And RRB NTPC Exams
Sum of all the numbers except middle number in 1st picture is equal to the middle number in 2nd picture.
5 + 2 + 7 + 5 = 19 (Middle number in 2nd picture).

Sum of all the numbers except middle number in 2nd picture is equal to the middle number in 3rd picture.
6 + 11 + 2 + 4 = 19 (Middle number in 3rd picture).

Sum of all the numbers except middle number in 2nd picture is equal to the middle number in 1st  picture.
6 + 1 + 6 + ? = 15 (Middle number in 1st picture).
To make toal 15 in 1st picture ? will have to take 2 value in 3rd picture.
Hence option (4) is correct option.

      Problem # 10

Tricky Figure Problems for SSC CGL ,SSC CHSL And RRB NTPC Exams
Take the sum of squares of each number in the corner positions in each picture to get number the middle positions.
In 1st Picture 
   9² + 8² + 6² + 7² =  81 + 64 + 36 +  49 = 230
In 2nd Picture 
 6² +  7² +  4² +  3² =  36 + 49 + 16 +  9 = 110
In 3rd Picture 
9² + 6² + 4² +  5² =  81 + 36 + 16 +  25 = 158
 Therefore ? will take the value equal to 158
Hence option (3) is correct option.

   Problem # 11

Tricky Figure Problems for SSC CGL ,SSC CHSL And RRB NTPC Exams

Add all those numbers which are above central number then take the difference of this sum from the addition  of those numbers which are below the central number .
1st figure  ( 4 + 2  + 7 ) -  ( 3 + 1 ) =  13 - 4  = 9 middle number
2nd figure  ( 3 + 3  + 5 ) -  ( 4 + 2 ) =  11 - 6  = 5 middle number
3rd figure  ( 6 + 9  + 2 ) -  ( 4 + 3 ) =  17 - 7  = 10 middle number
Hence option (1) is correct option.

 Problem # 12

Tricky Figure Problems for SSC CGL ,SSC CHSL And RRB NTPC Exams
In this problem all the numbers written in 1st figure are related to 2nd figure and all the numbers written in 2nd figure are related to 3rd figure , similarly all the numbers written in 3rd figure are related to 4th figure .
i.e. number 4 in 1st figure is related to 10 in 2nd figure and number 10 in 2nd figure is related to 22 in 3rd figure. similarly number 22 in 3rd figure is related to 46 in 4th figure.
4 =  1st number in 1st figure
(4   ×  2 ) + 2 = 10 ( 1st number in 2nd figure ) 
(10  ×  2) + 2  = 22 ( 1st number in 3rd figure )
(22   ×  2) + 2 = 46 ( 1st number in 4th figure )

1 =  2nd number in 1st figure
(1  ×  2 ) + 2 = 4 ( 2nd number in 2nd figure ) 
(4  ×  2) + 2 = 10 ( 2nd number in 3rd figure ) 
(10  ×  2) + 2  = 22 ( 2nd number in 4th figure ) 

3 = Bottom number in 1st figure
 (3  ×  2) + 2 = 8  ( bottom number in 2nd figure )
(8 × 2) + 2 = 18 ( bottom number in 3rd figure )
(18 × 2) + 2 = 38  (The value of question mark)
Hence option (1) is correct option.

 Also Reads these posts on Reasoning

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