Monday 11 October 2021

Maths Reasoning questions with answers for competitive exams

Ten most important reasoning questions with answers for competitive exams, maths reasoning questions, reasoning questions with answers for bank exams, Reasoning tricks for competitive exams have been discussed in this article for upcoming competitive exams. 

Ten most important maths reasoning questions for competitive exams.

Question #1

Reasoning Problems for competitive exams
Reasoning questions 

This box problem consists of four rows and five columns. To find the value of question marks in fifth column of fourth row we have to combine two columns at a time and then take the difference of combination two other rows. 

Formula :-

 The difference of product of 1st and 4th column and sum of 2nd and 3rd column. 

(Number in 1st column × Number in 4th column ) - (Number in 2nd column + Number in 3rd column) = Number in 5th column

( 4 × 2 ) - ( 5 + 3 ) = 8 - 8 = 0 (1st row 4th column) 

( 7 × 4 ) - ( 3 + 4 ) = 28 - 7 = 21(2nd row 4th column) 

( 6 × 5 ) - ( 4 + 4 ) = 30 - 8 = 22(3rd row 4th column) 

( 9 × 5 ) - ( 6 + 5 ) = 45 - 11 =  34 = ? (The value of question mark) 

Option (2)34 is correct option.


Question #2

Reasoning Problems for competitive exams

Since the question mark is in the middle of 3rd figure. So the value of question mark will be calculated with the help of remaining four numbers around this figure in the same way, the middle numbers in 1st and 2nd figure can be calculated with the help of remaining four numbers around each figure. This question mark value can be found by two methods. 

1st Method

( 52 - 41 ) + 5 = 11 + 5 = 16 ( Middle number in 1st figure ) 

( 92 - 85 ) + 5 = 7 + 5 = 12 ( Middle number in 2nd figure ) 

( 126 -  113 ) + 5 = 13 + 5 = 18 ( Middle number in 3rd figure ) 

Option (3)18 is correct option

2nd Method

[(4 + 2) - (5+ 1) + 16]= (6 - 6) + 16 = 0 + 16 = 16 (Middle number in 1st figure ) 

[(8 + 2) - (9 + 5) + 16]= (10 - 14) + 16 = -4 + 16 = 12 (Middle number in 2nd figure ) 

[(11+ 6 ) - (12+ 3) + 16]= (17 - 15) + 16 = 2 + 16 = 18 (Middle number in 3rd figure ) 

Option (3)18 is correct option.

Question #3

Reasoning Problems for competitive exams

This box problem consists of four rows and three columns. To find the value of question marks in 2nd column of fourth row, we have to combine three rows at the same time. 

Formula :- 

The sum of cube of Numbers in 1st, 2nd and 3th rows is equal to Number in 4th row

( Cube of Number in 1st row   ) + ( Cube of Number in 2nd row  ) (Cube of Number in 3rd row )  = Number in 4th row

2³ + 1³ + 3³ = 8 + 1 + 27 = 36 (4th row 1st column) 

0³ + 4³ + 3³ = 0 + 64 + 27 = 91 (4th row 3rd column) 

4³ + 2³ + 1³ = 64 + 8 + 1 = 73 = ? (4th row 2nd column) 

Option (D)73  is correct option.

Question #4

Reasoning Problems for competitive exams

This box problem also consists of four rows and three columns. To find the value of question marks in 4th row of 3rd column we have to combine three rows at the same time. 

Formula :- 

Sum of Product of hundred times of number in 2nd row and product of numbers in 1st and 3th rows is equal to Number in 4th row

100 × ( Number in 2nd row ) + ( Number in 1st row  ) ×  ( Number in 3rd row )  = Number in 4th row

(5 × 100) + ( 7 × 10 ) = 500 + 70 =  570 (4th row 1st column) 

(3 × 100) + ( 8 × 11 ) = 300 + 88 = 388 (4th row 2nd column) 

(1 × 100) + ( 2 × 9 ) = 100 + 18 = 118 (The value of question mark) 

Option (B)118 is correct option.

Question #5

Reasoning Problems for competitive exams

Starting from 1 and moving in such a way that all the numbers must be written in increasing order as written in the following line as 
1 , 5 , 13  ,29  , 61 , 125 , ? 
Now we have to think the formula for the numbers , which is 3 more than the twice of previous number. 

Formula :-

Any number = ( 2 × previous number ) + 3.

(1 × 2 ) + 3 = 2 + 3 = 5
(5 × 2 ) + 3 = 10 + 3 = 13
(13 × 2 ) + 3 = 26 + 3 = 29
(29 × 2 ) + 3 = 58 + 3 = 61
(61 × 2 ) + 3 = 122 + 3 = 125
(125 × 2 ) + 3 = 250 + 3 = 253 = ? ( The value of question mark ) . 
Option (3)253  is correct option.

Question #6

Reasoning Problems for competitive exams
Starting from 1 and moving in such a way that all the numbers must be written in increasing order as written in the following line as 
1 , 3 , 9 ,31 , 129 , 651 , ? 

Formula :-

Any number = ( 2 × previous number ) + 3.
(1 × 1 ) + 2 = 1 + 2 = 3
(3 × 2 ) + 3 = 6 + 3 = 9
(9 × 3 ) + 4 = 27 + 4 = 31
(31 × 4 ) + 5 = 124 + 5 = 129
(129 × 5 ) + 6 = 645 + 6 = 651
(651 × 6 ) + 7 = 3906 + 7 = 3913 = ? 
Option (1)3913 is correct option.

Question #7

Reasoning Problems for competitive exams
This box problem also consists of four rows and three columns. To find the value of question marks in 4th row of 3rd column we have to combine three rows at the same time. 

Formula :-

 The  product of Numbers in 1st, 2nd and 3th rows is equal to Number in 4th row
2 × 4 × 5 = 40 (4th row 1st column) 
3 × 7 × 2 = 42 (4th row 2nd column) 
4 × 6 × 9 = 216 ( The value of question mark)
Option (B)216 is correct option,

Question #8

Reasoning Problems for competitive exams
This box problem consists of three rows and three columns. To find the value of question marks in 3rd row of 3rd column we have to combine 1st two rows at the same time with the help of any or combination of mathematical operations. 

Formula :-

 The  square of half of the sum of numbers in 1st and 2nd rows in any particular column is equal to Number in 3rd row
[(25 + 15) ÷ 2 ]² = [ 40 ÷ 2 ]² =  [ 20 ]² = 400
[(16 + 10) ÷ 2 ]² = [ 16 ÷ 2 ]² = [ 13 ]² = 169
[(40 + 20) ÷ 2 ]² = [ 60 ÷ 2 ]² =  [ 30 ]² = 900
Option (A)900 is correct option.

Question #9

Reasoning Problems for competitive exams

There are three figures in this problem. Every figure consists of three numbers one in the top of the figure and two numbers are in the bottom line. In every figure the number in the top of the figure is made up of remaining two numbers which are in the bottom line. The number in the top of the figure can be calculated by using any mathematical operations with the help of remaining two numbers. The mathematical operation we use to calculate the number in the 1st figure must be same in all the remaining two figures. 

Formula :-

Difference of squares of numbers in the two branches of given figure is equal to number in the top of the same figure. 

a² - b² = c (Number to be calculated) 

1st Figure

16² - 7² = 256 - 49 = 207

2nd Figure

12² - 8² = 144 - 64 = 80

3rd Figure

25² - 21² = 625 - 441 = 184 (The value of question mark) 

Option (2)184 is correct option.

Question #10

Reasoning Problems for competitive exams
This maths reasoning questions consists of three figures and every figure have four numbers associated to it.  
          Two numbers are on the upper line of each box and two number are at the bottom line of each box.  Look at last figure , it have ? in its 3rd figure . So the solution of this problem is to find the value of question mark using three numbers associated to it . 

          But the main problem is how to utilised  these three numbers to get the value of question mark?
          Now watch carefully the 1st two figures . Since these figures have some big values of numbers in one box . 
          Now we have to find or search the  formula for these four numbers in 1st two figures to utilised them in any possible way to get number in that box . 
         The same formula will be applicable to third figure to find out the value of question mark.

1st Box 

Product of numbers in three small boxes is equal to number in 4th box 

4 × 3 × 2 = 24 

2nd Box 

Product of numbers in three small boxes is equal to number in 4th box 

(-2) × 2 × (-1) =  4

3rd Box 

Product of numbers in three small boxes is equal to number in 4th box 

0 × 6 × 5 = 0 ( The value of ?  ) 

Option (4)0  is correct option

Also Reads these articles
  Ten Most Important maths  Reasoning questions with answers for competitive exams in box and other type with solutions have been discussed in this post . These types of problems are very helpful for cracking competitive exams like ssc cgl, ssc chsl and various Bank exams and many other similar exams. please feel free to comment your opinions. 


  1. The reasoning is a very important part of Maths, especially when you are preparing for competitive exams. The calculative part of the reasoning is a little tricky so you need to do a lot of practice to understand the tricks and methods of solving the questions. Once you have proper knowledge and guidance. It becomes easy to solve the tough question of reasoning. Proper guidance is required to understand the concepts and achieve the desired results. There are many tutors and institutions outside providing maths tuition at high cost and less experience in the field. If you are looking for the best maths tuition then, smile tutor is one of the best to provide maths tuition with a skilled and experienced teachers.


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