Showing posts with label calculus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label calculus. Show all posts

Find two positive numbers whose sum is 16 and sum of whose cube is Minimum

Show that of all the rectangles inscribed in a circle of given radius . The Square has maximum Area.


Let ABCD be rectangle which is  inscribed in a given circle of radius ‘r’
Show that of all the rectangles inscribed in a circle of given radius . The Square has maximum Area.
And Let θ be the angle between side of rectangle and Diameter of given circle.

Therefore from right angled  Î” ABC ,

We have 
  AB  = AC cosθ          ∵ AC = 2r
Let A(x) be the area of Rectangle ABCD
∴ A(x) = AB × BC
    A = (2r cos Î¸)(2r sin Î¸ )
    A =  4r2 sin Î¸ cos Î¸
    A = 2r2  (2sin Î¸ cos Î¸)
    A = 2r2  (sin 2θ )

⇒ 2r2 2 (cos 2θ ) = 0 ,As r2 is constant
⇒cos 2θ = 0
⇒cos 2θ =cos (Ï€/2)
⇒ Î¸ = Ï€/4
 =4r2  (-2sin 2θ 

∴ A has Maximum value at Î¸ = Ï€/4

Find two positive numbers whose sum is 16 and sum of whose cube is Minimum


Let us consider two numbers x and 16- x .
Then transforming our problem to mathematical form which says “sum of whose cube”  as follows
A (x) =   x3 + (16 - x)3…….. (1)
Differentiating both sides w .r. t  “x” , we get

     X = 8
So  x  =  8 will be the 1st required numbers if Double derivatives of A  w. r. t  ‘x’ comes to be positive at x = 8.
Differentiate (2)  w. r. t. ‘x’  .

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How should the wire of 28 m be cut so that the combined area of the circle and square is as small as possible ?

Application of Derivative 

A piece of wire 28 cm long is to be cut into two pieces. One piece is to be made into a circle and another into a square. How should the wire be cut so that the combined area of the two figures is as small as possible?

Let the wire be cut at a distance of  x meter  from one end. Therefore then two pieces of wire be x m and (28-x) m.

Calculate Dimension of Circle and Square

Now 1st part be turned into a square and  the 2nd part be be made into a circle.

Since 1st part of the wire is turned into square. then its perimeter will be x m. 
So using formula of perimeter of square , we can calculate side of the square = x/4 m

Calculate Areas of Circle and Square

Therefore Area of square = (x/4)(x/4) sq m

                                     A1 = x2/16

And  when 2nd part of the wire is turned to circle, then its perimeter ( circumference ) will be 28 - x m. So using formula of perimeter of square , And if  "r" be  radius of the circle , Then
Circumference of circle =  2 Ï€ r =  (28-x)
 ∴  r = (28-x)/2Ï€

We know that Area of Circle A2   = Ï€ r2  

                                     A2  Ï€[(28-x)/2Ï€]2  

Express Areas in terms of Function

To find value/s of x

Now to find the value of x for which this function A(x) is maximum or minimum ,put A(x) = 0

To Test the Minimum Value of  Function

Now we have the value of "x" on which either A(x) have maximum or minimum value . To check the maximum or minimum value we have to find A''(x) as follows

So A''(x) has positive value Therefore A(x) shall have maximum value at x = 112/(Ï€ + 4)

Hence two pieces of wire should be of length x m and (28-x) m

These pieces should be of length 112/(Ï€+4) and 28Ï€/(Ï€ + 4)


we can calculate the sum of these pieces , it must be 28 m

1st part     

112/(Ï€+4) = 112/{(22/7)+4}=112×7/50 = 784/50

2nd part 

28Ï€/(Ï€ + 4) = {28×22/7}/{(22/7)+4} = 88×7/50 = 616/50

Sum of Two Parts 

 112×7/50 + 28×7/50 = (784+616)/50
  = 1400/50= 28 m

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Quiz of  Mathematics For You 

Do not Forget to watch this video of same Problem

You can  clear your doubts if any after watching this video


Thanks for visiting this website and spending your valuable time to read this post regarding How should the wire of 28 m be cut so that the combined area of the circle and square is as small as possible , s .If you liked this post , don't forget to   share it with your friends to benefit them also ,we shall meet in next post , till then bye and take care......

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Here we are going to discuss how to find common area of two circles which are overlapping or intersecting at two points with the help of an example
 Let us consider two circles whose equations are  given below
x2 + y2 =  12                   .......................(1)
x - 1 )2 y2 12          .....................(2)

HOW TO FIND AREA  BOUNDED BY  TWO CIRCLES Let us draw these circles in coordinate planes, We can compare these equations with standard form of circle to find  the coordinate of  centre of both the circles are (0,0) and (1,0) respectively and radius of both the circles are 1.

If these two circles intersect with each other then we have to find their point/s of intersection.
To find points of intersection subtracting equation (1) from eq (2) , we get 

    X - 1 )2 Y2 - X2 Y=  12 - 1
⇒( X - 1 )2  - X2 =  0
 X 2  +1 2  - 2×(1)×(X) X2 =  0

⇒1 - 2X = 0
⇒ X = 1/2 ,
Now to find the values of y put the value of x in equation # 1
(1/2)2 Y=  12     
   Y1- (1/4) = 3/4

   Y = 土⇃(3/4)
Therefore two points of intersection are B(1/2 , ⇃(3/4)) , C ( (1/2 , -⇃(3/4))

To understand better the solution of  this problem watch this  video 

Required area = shaded  Area , 
we can divide shaded area into four equal parts , As each parts is symmetrical , Therefore to find shaded area  it is sufficient to find the area of any one of four part and then then multiply it with 4.

Hence  Required area = 4 area OBLO = 4 Area BALB
To avoid tedious calculations choose 2nd part to integrate
I= Required area = 4 Area BALB    ------------- (3)
After simplification , we have



  Final words 

Thanks for visiting this website and spending your valuable time to read this post regarding how to find area bounded by two circles .If you liked this post , do share it with your friends to benefit them also we shall meet in next post , till then bye and take care....



Proof of trigonometric identities , trigonometric identities problems, proving trigonometric identities formulas,these trigonometric identities of class 10, fundamental trigonometric identities,trigonometric identities class 11 and its formation with the help of some examples.

How to prove Identity

cos 6x = 32cos6 x - 48.cos4 x   + 18.cos2 x  - 6.cos2 x  - 1


1st of all  rewrite 3x as 3.2x

L.H.S. = cos 6x =  cos (3.2x) 

Now using the result cos 3θ = 4cos3 Î¸ - 3 cos θ  -----(1)

Replacing Î¸ as 2x in (1), we get 

L.H.S. = 4cos3 2x - 3 cos 2x  -----------(2)

Now using the result  1+ cos 2θ = 2 cos2 Î¸ 

                                   ⇒ cos 2θ = 2 cos2 Î¸ -1

Replacing cos 2x = 2 cos2 x -1 in (2), we get 

L.H.S.= 4 {2cos2 x -1}3 - 3 {cos2 x  -1}

Now using the result {a - b }3 = {a}3 - b }3  -  3{a }2 .b   + 3(a). b2

  cos 6x    = 4[ {2cos² x  }3 - { 1 }3  -  3{2cos² x  }2 .1   +3.(2cos² x) .1² ] - 3 . {cos² x  -1}

Taking the product of powers to simplify it

cos 6x  =   4[ 8cos x  - 1 - 12cos⁴ x  + 6cos² x]  - 3{2cos² x-1}

Multiply by 4 in 1st term and multiply by -3 in 2nd term

 cos 6x  = 32cos x  - 4 - 48cos x  + 24cos² x  - 6cos² x + 3

Adding the like powers terms and arranging in descending order

cos 6x   = 32cos x - 48cos x  + 18cos² x  - 6cos² x  - 1

Hence the Proof

Prove the Identity 

tan (2x) =  2tan x  1 - tan2 x 


We know that 

tan (A+B) =  tan A +  tan B1 - tan A tan B 

Put A = B  = x in above formula . then it becomes

tan (x+x) =  tan x +  tan x1 - tan x tan x 

tan (2x) =  2tan x  1 - tan² x 
Hence the Proof

Prove that sin 2x = 2sin x cos x


As we know that sin (A + B) = sin A cos B + cos A sin B..  ...(1)

Put A = B  = x in ...   (1)

sin (x + x) = sin x cos x + cos x sin x

sin (2x) = sin x cos x +  sin x cos x

sin (2x) = 2 sin x cos x

Hence the Proof

Prove that cos 2x = cos2 x - sin2 x


As we know that cos (A + B) = cos A cos B - sin A sin B..  ...(1)
Put X = A = B in (1) , we get

cos (x + x) = cos x cos x - sin x sin x
cos 2x = cos2 x - sin2 x      

Hence the Proof

Prove that cos 4x = 8 cos⁴ x - 8 cos² x + 1

 Using the result 
1+cos 2θ = 2cos2 Î¸
cos 2θ = 2cos2 Î¸ -1 -------------(1)
Replacing Î¸ with 2x in eq (1)
1+ cos 4x = 2cos2 2x
cos 4x = 2cos2 2x -1

Again using  cos 2θ = 2cos2 Î¸ -1

cos 4x = 2(2cos2 x -1)² -1

It is the square of 2cos2 x -1

cos 4x = 2(2cos2 x -1)² -1

cos 4x = 2(4cos4 x +1 - 4cos2 x) -1

cos 4x = 8cos4 x +2 - 8cos2 x -1

cos 4x =  8cos4 x - 8cos2 x +1

Hence the Proof

What is the value of sin3x?

To find the value of sin 3x ,  use this formula which contain sin (A+B)
therefore sin (A+B) = sin A cos B cos A sin B——-(1)
put A = 2x and B = x in (1)
then Sin 3x = sin 2x cos x + cos 2x sin x

As we know that cos 2x = 1 - 2sin³ x and sin 2x = 2 sin x cos x

Sin 3x = Sin (2x+x)
Sin 3x = sin 2x cos x + cos 2x sin x
sin 3x = (2 sin x cos x) cos x + (1 - 2sin³ x ) sin x
sin 3 x = 2 sin x cos² x + sin x -  2sin³ x

As we know that cos² x = 1sin² x

sin 3x= 2 sin x (1-sin³ x) + sin x - 2sin³ x
sin 3x = 2 sin x -2 sin³ x + sin x - 2sin³ x
sin 3x = 3 sin x - 4 sin³ x

Similarly we can prove that cos 3x= 4 cos³ x - 3 cos x
For learning and memorising more trigonometric formulas


In this post I have discussed trigonometric identities ,trigonometric identities problems, proving trigonometric identities formulas . If this post helped you little bit, then please share it with your friends to benefit them, comment your views on it to boost me and to do better, and also follow me on my Blog .We shell meet in next post till then Bye

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